The beer brands, Topázio and Onyx, are back in Coimbra, and to mark this moment, Cervejaria Praxis organized an event, this afternoon, at the Convento de São Francisco.
The guests were treated to centenary beers and various musical moments performed by the Coro dos Antigos Orfeonistas of the University of Coimbra, by the Fado ao Centro Group and by the singer João Só.
In his speech, Arnaldo Baptista, founder of Praxis, began by noting that “today is a day of celebration and celebration, because Topázio and Onix have returned home, they are back in Coimbra”, maintaining that these two brands “are two centuries-old jewels of beer in Portugal”.
“This return of the brands to Coimbra represents a high point in the history of the brewing heritage”, he stressed.
The founder of the brewery located on the left bank of the Mondego river, said that the two brands, which for decades were the heritage of Coimbra and the region, were acquired from Sociedade Central de Cervejas, after a process of “good relations between the companies”.
In addition to Topázio and Onyx, Praxis currently produces 15 varieties of beer.
It should be noted that Imperial Stout by Praxis was the winner of the 2021 edition of the World Beer Awards in London, in the Stout & Porter category, a competition that rewards the best beers worldwide.
In News from Coimbra